Defenses against Harmful Bacteria – Oregano, Thyme, Cinnamon & Clove
All the BIG GUNS at once. These four essential oils have a great defense against the growth and spread of Staph bacteria. All four essential oils are also traditional cooking spices. Make sure you share this with all your friends.
Provide a Strong and Varied Defense****************************
A good defense keeps the enemies wondering about your strength. Many fortresses have been successfully defended by periodically showing a strong defense. Most attacks by harmful bacteria are weak attacks. A single bacterial organism can replicate into two identical organisms in 20-30 minutes. One organism may seem harmless, maybe even two; but they just keep replicating by binary fission (forming two identical organism from one) until their numbers are significant.
A good defense keeps the enemies wondering about your strength. Many fortresses have been successfully defended by periodically showing a strong defense. Most attacks by harmful bacteria are weak attacks. A single bacterial organism can replicate into two identical organisms in 20-30 minutes. One organism may seem harmless, maybe even two; but they just keep replicating by binary fission (forming two identical organism from one) until their numbers are significant.
Showing a strong defense from time to time can help fight off the large initial attacks. From time-to-time your human immune defenses become compromised by inadequate sleep, unhealthy diet, and poor physical conditioning. Fortunately, you can use a variety of defensive essential oils to keep a strong show of force.
These four essential oils remind me of the East High School football offensive line this past year. Ranked #1 in Utah and ranked 23rd nationally. The offensive line was massive. They moved as a unit. They held hands as they approached the defense. They looked like a solid wall. I would have been squashed by these guys. They knew they were going to win. That’s what these four essential oils are like – winners.
It’s time to unveil four of the most effective essential oils against the growth and spread of Staph bacteria. Continue Reading Here